September 1, 2010


After much hemming and hawing and sitting on this URL for months, I've finally decided to start typing things here.  I have grand designs that this little blaggity blog will become a repository of great things, mostly of the "incredibly witty observation" or "trenchant insight" variety; however, I am also easily distracted by shiny objects (seriously, I'm like a magpie here...ooh, magpies have pretty iridescent feathers...wait, what?), so we shall see how long this little social experiment lasts.  Hopefully this will be a place where I'll talk about tasty foods, thrilling crafts, things I find interesting, and other navel-gazing observations from the scorching desert.

If nothing else, I'll try to at least post photos of our adorable cat - lord knows the interwebs are lacking in cute cat pictures.


  1. dear god i'm reading someone's blog!! i never thought i would see the day. who would have thought that it would have been you to bring me down. since you owe me big time, can you type up something clever about how uncomfortable it is when there is a lack of ambient noise in public restrooms?

  2. i'll work on it. perhaps i can find a clever way to integrate it into a post about crafting? maybe that'll be my new thing: bathroom noise-canceling crafts for the discreet pooper.
